Monday, February 6, 2017

Don't Stop

Life can be the best thing in the world. 

Then it can be the worst.

Or just about right. 

But an important thing to note is, there are still things that need to get done. The way you feel, or your motivation can go sporadic at times. 

But think, 

Are you going in a direction that you envision? 

Are you working hard to accomplish your life goals?

Some days I just go through the motions of life. Without an ounce of enthusiasm. Without a bit of motivation. 

If you want to become great at something, the work needs to be put in. The daily grind is found in all spots of life. 

For some people, they move from hobby to hobby, job to job, person to person but never are satisfied with where they are. There is a hollow feeling in this. Because it will never be satisfied. 

What is really hard, is to stick with your decisions and work hard at what is in front of you. To not be blown in the wind by your volatile whims, emotions and feelings.   

Mike Cernovich said it best, "Nothing gets easier, just better" 

Each of your daily challenges are not going to come easier to you. 

Every day I workout, my body needs pushed to the limit so that I can maintain and continue to grow. Even though some-days I do not want to push myself. 

What I do is ask myself, 

"What am I?"

If you are interested in "success" and you don't feel like putting the time in for your goal then you really don't want what you ask of yourself. 

If you are reading this you are an intelligent, focused human being. If you are reading this you understand that if you want anything it takes work. 

If you are ever feeling like you just want to give up, ask yourself, 

Who are you?
Why am I here?
Do I really want this?

Thank you for reading this post! If you enjoyed it please follow. Feel free to comment, suggest or ask questions. 

Elijah Errington  

Sunday, February 5, 2017

What's your yoga?

I have a question for all of you out there. What is your Yoga? Now I realize that this question may puzzle some of you. We will break it down. 

The Merriam Webster definition of yoga, is -  a system of exercises for mental and physical health. 

What is your system of exercises for mental and physical health?
What keeps you sane in this insane world?
How do you keep focused on achieving the heights of life that the average never see?

Passion is a marvelous thing. To be swept up by an idea and take another step toward your potential self.

My yoga is through bodily development.

Everyday I wake up and work, move, meditate, and feed my body. I feel a connection and fulfillment in developing bodily health. I am energized from this.

I work hard, push my body to the end of each set.

Sticking with it for the years that I have, there is visible and mental improvement.

One concept that can really be gleaned from working your body is that through pain there is success.

Let that sink in.

Through pain is success.

The idea that pain can mean success or accomplishment can translate outward. This concept echos through my all my endeavors.

If you want fulfillment, get out there and find your yoga.  Your yoga may not be through bodily development,

for some it can be


Its a foundation to yourself. Your personal desire and focus exclusive to yourself.

If you have a yoga please comment it!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Arnold the Education of a Bodybuilder (Book Review)

             A look into the mind of possibly the greatest bodybuilder that ever lived. Arnold Schwarzenegger. This man chose what it is he wanted to do, and seized it without looking back. In his autobiography Schwarzenegger gives his readers a taste for what it took to attain the heights of bodybuilding and also how to develop a herculean physique.
            Schwarzenegger had very humble beginnings, originating in Austria. His journey through bodybuilding began one summer when he was fifteen years old, “a magical season for me because that year I discovered exactly what I wanted to do with my life.” (pg.13) He was introduced to the sport by experienced bodybuilders. They took him under their wing and he grew. Schwarzenegger learned from them to lift weights properly, and to understand that growth meant pain. Starting slower, he began three days a week at the gym lifting weights. Progressing to a full time schedule, going every day. The sport of bodybuilding was just on the rise at his beginning. Schwarzenegger though was considered crazy for starting in a sport that was so small. His parents could not understand his infatuation with the sport. For Schwarzenegger, it was an enthralling sport. He kept his eyes one the goal of becoming the best bodybuilder of the entire world. Which he did achieve in the years forward. One can gather from reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, what it takes to attain something you want in life. Through Schwarzenegger, he lived and breathed his passion –-bodybuilding—. He sets an example for the world, that one can choose something and become the greatest at it.
            The second part of Schwarzenegger’s book is comprised of workouts and exercises. In this portion he lays down the principles for building a great physique. He first recommends if, the reader is new to the sport to work solely on body-weight exercises to build a foundation. From there he gives the reader direction in the weight room. He stresses exercise from over quantity provides the reader with a solid well-reasoned explanation for each of the different aspects of bodybuilding. Schwarzenegger also goes in the diet and routines that can be used to attain a herculean body. Some things that this book provides that I have implemented in my personal workout routine are focus on form in the gym, weak points in physique, extra exercises that develop muscles overlooked, reasons to do certain exercises and working the calves, forearms and abdominals every day.     

            From this book one can gain the knowledge of what it takes to become a bodybuilder and what it takes to become a master at something. If simply you would like to gain the knowledge to build a healthier lifestyle or become better at sports, Schwarzenegger provides a pathway for the readers. This book appeals to those who want more from life.