Saturday, November 26, 2016

What Every Body is Saying (Book Review)

There are so many human interactions on a daily basis. Weather it is between a cashier ringing up your items, talking to an old relative at a family reunion, to spending time with a significant other. The book What Every Body is Saying can shed a thought provoking light on the many daily human interactions. Its knowledge can help you to discern who really are your friends and who is just another smiling face. Joe Navarro and ex FBI agent goes into the body’s no-verbal responses to interpret other people’s true feelings.

Navarro explains how there are different parts of the human brain. The main two he focuses on are the thinking brain (neocortex) and the mammalian brain (limbic). He draws a distinct difference between the two, as the thinking brain deals with thoughts and observations of the world around us.  While the limbic brain is the reactive part of the brain. Navarro goes deep into the science behind the limbic portion of the brain. Delving into the main specific reactions that occur under certain circumstances; he begins with the primal responses when the human species was in a hunter gather state including the Freeze, Fight or Flight responses. As the book progresses he explains the many different limbic responses and how to interpret them using your lovely neocortex part of the brain.
The book is set up in a chronological manner, starting with limbic responses from the feet and legs to the torso, hips, chest and shoulders to the arms, hands and fingers finishing off with the non-verbals of the face. Through his detailed examination of each of these body sections Navarro explains many signs that can be interpreted as acts of dominance, intimacy, confidence, stress, and much more.
One of my favorite non-verbal tells from the book that I use quite often is a facial response. One way to tell if someone likes you or at worst dislikes you, is from the facial ques of the eyes and brows. When upon your first greeting someone watch their eyes and see if they squint upon first seeing you or if they raise their eye brows when they greet you. If they squint, they are having a natural response to minimize the view of their surroundings because they saw something (or one) that they dislike. While if they raise their eye brows, this is to gain as much visual information upon seeing something (or one) they like. This is just one of the many different non-verbal ques that can easily be observed in you daily interactions.

Would like to better understand and communicate to people? This book does just that. I can help with intimate relationships with your spouse/significant other, with friends in your social circle to strangers on the street. I have learned a lot from this book and have used its resources to better communicate to fellow human beings and read other people’s feelings indirectly. This is an invaluable asset and I cannot stress its usefulness in daily life.

What Every Body is Saying -

Monday, November 21, 2016

Get Serious (Book Review)

Do you want to GET SERIOUS about your health and nutrition? Obtain an attractive physique? If so you are in luck. One of the first steps in this quest should be to read, the most informative Health and Fitness books that I have read. Written by Dr. Brett Osborn an accomplished bodybuilder and neurosurgeon provides his facts and evidence to support optimal health and nutrition.  This book will influence your thoughts about working out, nutrition, and stress.
Osborn begins his book charging the reader to take responsibility for one’s health. He makes a case that is feasible for the reader to take control of his/her health and nutrition. Through the book he further explains the troubles with the modern American health system and ties this into his pitch to take control of one’s health. From front to cover he continually drives at strength training and nutrition to achieve optimal health.
This book will give you the understanding
of what your body needs to be properly supplied with the nutrition to attain an attractive physique
to train properly to Get the results you want and need from working in the gym
to take control of your overall health
Things the book has changed for me.
I have been working out since I was 12 years old and still do consistently. I never squatted or deadlifted in my entire time training. I was missing some of the most important exercises known to man. I have since added these exercise to my regimen and after two weeks and already beginning to notice increases in strength and muscle growth. I will also say that nothing feels as good as lifting that shiny metal bar on to my shoulders feeling all my muscles strain and sweat dripping from my pores as I perform my daily ritual, feeling all the fibers contract and pain from the growth.
Not only has this book changed my perspectives on strength training but made the logical case for taking supplements to enhance my workout regime, including

And more.

The nutritional chapters of this book also provide and stress the importance of food. Osborne goes into explaining what food actually is. Osborne goes into the fine details of what define carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Further he equips the reader with the knowledge to discern what is good and bad 
foods, how much to eat, what to eat, and addresses the negative myths about



 If your seeking to get serious about your health you should consider purchasing Get Serious. This book offers the modern man

a fighting chance at understanding health in these sickly times

to attain goals of an attractive physique

taking your health to the next level

What are you waiting for “Get Serious

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Man Up

Take what you want in life, this is part of what it means to be a man in life. Many people talk about what they want, money, skills, relationships, etc. But do they really want it? What people want in general is other peoples success without the hard work they put in. They think life just happens to them, guess what that is called in the real world,


It simply doesn't happen. If you want something it is up to you to get off your butt and grab it. Stop complaining and dragging other people down in your nothingness. In the real world work is needed in order to get anything. 

The successful people of the world and in my life did not sit around and let the world shape them they shaped the world to them. If you want to be a guitarist, buy a guitar and play it for 8 hours a day, for three years. If you want to be an artist, do art everyday all day. Life is full of possibility it is up to you to take it. 

Thomas Edison once said,  "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."  Possibly the most renown american inventor Edison received only 12 weeks of formal education. This man had 1093 US patents for his inventions, some of his most popular inventions included one of the first light bulbs, phonograph, first motion picture camera, and much more. He saw the opportunities all around him starting from a young age and seized them for himself.  
Emulate Thomas Edison. Man Up and take what you want. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Stranger Camus (Review)

A man whose life is wholly dedicated to the derelict and determined mindset, meanders through his life from one morbid scene to the next. Albert Camus created a deep sense of emptiness in his writing of this man’s life.  In the first person the book starts off with his mother’s funeral to which he gets two days added to his weekend to go to it. He takes his leave and goes to the funeral but through it all he is disconnected and un-moved by his mother’s death. When he got there he found that the home at which she had lived, closed her in the casket. When he made it there he was asked if he wished to see his mother one last time before she was buried. To which he answered “no”. Through the funeral and procession Camus makes it evident that he doesn’t care. The following day after the funeral he goes back to his home and spends the day with his girlfriend Marie. They go about the city, to the beach, the movies, and to food. About the middle of the day Marie asks him about his mother and then is disturbed by his answer. This event was put their I believe to show the wantonness of this man.  Further through the book the reader is shown his lifestyle, his work and the people he associates with. The reader is introduced to his neighbor who is a pimp. Raymond asks for his help in writing a letter to a mistress who had done him wrong. Which led to Raymond a few days later beating this woman and being confronted by the police to which he lets the girl go. Raymond through the story refers to him and himself as the best of pals, Camus then brings the reader through his mental processes of thinking about how much it really didn’t matter to him and he only agrees with Raymond because he believes that it will please him. As the story progresses he is brought into a conflict between Raymond and his past mistresses brother. There are some resulting conflicts, two to be precise. The first begins on the beach, resulting in Raymond getting cut up with a knife and the enemies leave. Then later that day at the beach Raymond goes out to find them again and he follows him. Raymond being injured has a revolver on his person. Raymond gives it to him as they confront the enemy. Although tension builds the enemy flees and they go back across the beach. Raymond leaves him behind as he pushes ahead. He is now alone walking across the sun scorched beach, eventually he comes across the man who cut Raymond up earlier that day. He is very nervous at the sight of him and reaches to hold on to the revolver. As he approaches him across the beach the man (lying in the sand reaches in his pocket), the inevitable ensues and he shots the man to death. He is put on trial and sentenced to be decapitated. The story was very good, and I feel the ending was so. Through it Camus’s writing was very well done and digestible to the reader. The existentialist’s view on life was a good experience, good to understand and learn from.